Thursday, May 9, 2013

Model crush - Mikhael Ayoub

Mikhael (Micky) Ayoub 
22 y.o 
From: Londrina, Parana - Brazil
Activity aside from  modeling: playing the guitar, extra interest in Paolo Coelho works, skateboarding.

 Ph: Shannon Sinclair

 An excerpt from interview:
How were you discovered?
Micky Ayoub: My brother made me go to the open call.

How did you come to the decision to become a model? 
Micky Ayoub: My brother talked me into going to the open call then I realized that it’s a really good gig.

What is your most memorable shoot to date?
Micky Ayoub: It was for this German magazine and I was covered in fake blood, it was crazy.

On to the more casual questions…how did you get the name Micky?
Micky Ayoub: My mom has called me Micky since I can remember so I guess that.

Are you into fashion? What is a typical outfit for you?
Micky Ayoub: I guess. Most of the clothes I [own], I have [made] or put something on it and boots, skinny black jeans, a band tee and my leather jacket are my typical outfit.

Quote of the day: "I CAN’T STAND IT TO THINK MY LIFE IS GOING SO FAST AND I’M NOT REALLY LIVING IT." - Ernest Hemingway,The Sun Also Rises

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